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These 3 incredible people, were the first ones to trust us, always thankful

Young Man

I didn´t know what to expect at the beginning, but Mate Buddy Trips introduced me to an incredible Australian girl called Martha and we travelled together to New York. Best vacation ever!

Carlos Díaz

Attractive Young Woman

I was a little bit nervous, but I met an incredible travel mate, she is lesbian, pet-friendly and vegan exactly like me! We got really well together as our cats (Lily and Pawi)

Amy Smith

Father and Son

I am a single parent, my son is 11 years old, he is really shy and always has some trouble at making new friends when we travel, but we found this family with two friendly daughters (6 and 10 years old), they became really good friends and still talking. I´ll repeat the experience

Richard Brown

Reviews: Testimonios
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